Saturday, October 24, 2009

Finnish Star (snowflake)

For my Christmas Accent Craft I'd like to show you how to make a 3D paper snowflake (sometimes called a Finnish Star).

To make my snowflake I used:
1. paper cutter
2. 1 sheet 8.5 x 11in cardstock
3. glue stick
4. scissors

Cut 12 strips of cardstock 8.5 in long and .5 inch wide.

Take 2 strips and glue them together at their centres to make a big plus sign.

Take 2 more strips and glue them beside the first.

Weave 2 more strips horizontally through the verticle strips and glue them at the intersection points.

Take the top end of the leftmost verticle strip and the left end of the topmost horizontal strip and glue the ends together. The paper will naturally form a curve.

Repeat for the other corners.

Repeat these steps for the other set of 6 strips.

Place the two halves of the snowflake together so that the curves all point towards the centre. Twist the top half so that the points of the curves are aligned over top of a straight strip.

Glue the curved point to the straight strip and cut off the excess paper on the straight strip at the very end.

Repeat for the other 7 points. Voila!!! Your snowflake(Finnish Star) is complete. These would look very pretty with glitter added. You could hang these from a garland or in a window. I might even make some for package decorations for larger gifts.

You can see other lovely Christmas accent crafts at Red Writing's blog.


  1. Those are beautiful! I could see making these using colorful scrapbook paper also. Thanks for the great tutorial!

  2. I would love those with some silvery glitter. Thanks!


  3. I love the outcome! How lovely. I'm gonna have to really study your tutorial and learn to make snowflakes. Love them!
    Christmas Blessings,
    Jayne at mysongwithin

  4. Wow, those are beautiful. Just beautiful. Thank you for sharing this wonderful craft.

  5. I tried this, but mine just doesn't look as flat as yours does. Everything looks like yours, except how far the petals protrude from each side. Maybe it will relax over time. Thanks for the great tutorial - it made me stop everything and try it!


I'd love to hear from you.
Cheers, Maureen


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